Flooding and Water – Managing the Risk
Article Extract from the Royal Town Planning Institute Yorkshire Branch:-
Following Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25): ‘Development and Flood Risk’, the Environment Agency (EA) provided updated Flood Risk Standing Advice (FRSA). This reflects policy contained within PPS25 and the EA role as a statutory consultee on flood risk matters.
The seminar on the 29th June 2011, supported by Sanderson Consulting Engineers of Huddersfield, fully informed delegates from across the region and brought this advice along with current practice up to the minute and added a planning policy perspective, a focus on Environmental Impact Assessment, the importance of FRA and environmental impact in the planning process and an engineering perspective which focussed on Sanderson’s approach to these matters.
Further information can be found on the Sanderson web site at www.sandersonassociates.co.uk and at their main Flood Risk website at www.floodrisk.co.uk
The PowerPoint presentation from the EA can be found on the RTPI Yorkshire Web Site http://www.rtpi.org.uk/rtpi_yorkshire/