Sanderson Associates Coronavirus COVID-19 Business Continuity Planning
Updated 24th March 2020
As we are all acutely aware, the rapid escalation of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the very dynamic developments impacting on UK business is unprecedented and likely to escalate significantly in coming weeks and months.
In anticipation of the recent developments, Sanderson Associates and Fairhurst have for some weeks been developing a proactive response to protect the health and wellbeing of our employees, clients, business contacts and suppliers, whilst also seeking to minimise disruption and ensure continued and uninterrupted service to our clients. Our Senior Management, in-house IT Specialists and Health & Safety Team are working together to continue to develop and stress-test procedures and systems to further reinforce our already established Business Continuity Plan.
The health and wellbeing of our employees is being protected through application and adherence to the advice provided by the UK Government, World Health Organisation, the NHS and our internal guidance and procedures. Employees are kept fully appraised of this advice though regular updates on our intranet homepage and directly during daily contact with Senior Management.
Business related travel and contact through face to face meetings and social interaction is now prohibited. All business to business and project team interaction, which is fundamental to the construction industry, is being promoted through alternative means of distance communication.
Our offices have been closed in line with UK Government advice to only travel to and from work where this is absolutely necessary and where work cannot be undertaken from home. However, our employees have been provided with the IT facilities required to work remotely and flexibly from home, with IT systems offering home-workers full and secure access to all of our project file servers, our email system and specialist software licensing, allowing our design services to continue uninterrupted. Our project teams remain in regular dialogue, sharing information remotely and continuing to provide a coordinated service both internally and with fellow project professionals
Sanderson Associates and Fairhurst have taken, and will continue to take, all practical steps to protect our employees, clients, business contacts and suppliers, whilst ensuring business continuity through intelligent application of our established IT systems.
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24th March 2020